That’s how we are doing our customer service

The purpose of writing this blog, just want our customers and some friends who haven’t got a board yet to understand our customer service properly. We know we also have some deficiencies even if we have been working on improving our service all the time. And we hope everyone can understand that there is no company can say that their service is perfect because there are lots of different situation. So it is inevitable that sometimes we might misunderstand each other. Now I just wanna clarify the process of our customer service just in case customers might be thinking we are not helpful.



First of all, we really care about each of our customers and customer service is the most important thing in our daily job. Yes, customer service is the basic requirement of the development of a company. An enterprise cannot survive without the support of customers. We do know our customer service are not quite mature so far. There are lots of inadequate parts that need to be improved. All you guys know that our factory is not located at your countries, so it is inevitably that we are not able to respond to you message on time. But we always check the emails sent from our customers everyday and make sure to finish answering all the emails we received before we are off duty. At the beginning, we always ask our customers to make a video about the problems with their boards. The reason why we need the customers to take videos is because we have to collect the evidence first and then we will discuss with the manufacturer how the issues happened in order to improve the quality of our products. The another reason is helping us diagnose the issues better. Once we figured out the problem, we will send you the parts you need immediately as long as you are still in warranty period. Even if you are out of warranty, we still can offer good discount for the parts you need. That’s how we help our customers solve their problems.

Post time: 07-30-2022